Since the structureuservariables of a section aren’t defined in that section’s "before", I would need a macro or buffer to define the contents of that epigraph page, like this: \def\PreImg{Dummy} \startsetups FancyChapter \setupheadertexts[][][][] \doifelsebuffer{Quote}{ \doifoddpageelse {\page[left]} {\donothing} {\definedfont[SerifItalic at 16pt]\quotation{\getbuffer[Quote]}\par} \externalfigure[\PreImg][width=\textwidth] \resetbuffer[Quote] }{} \page[right] \stopsetups \setupheadertexts[][pagenumber][pagenumber][chapter] \setuphead[chapter][ page=yes, before={\directsetup{FancyChapter}}, ] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \starttext \completecontent \startchapter[title={My Normal Text}] \input knuth \stopchapter \def\PreImg{Real} \startbuffer[Quote] I thought that was real. \stopbuffer \startchapter[title={My Fancy Story}] \input tufte \stopchapter \def\PreImg{Love} \startbuffer[Quote] All you need is love. \stopbuffer \startchapter[title={Another Fancy Story}] \input zapf \stopchapter \startchapter[title={Another Normal Text}] \input knuth \stopchapter \stoptext That’s possible, but ugly. I would really like to set those quotes and image names in the chapter command. Best, Hraban