Hello all,
i tried Wolfgang's tma method and wrote the attached symb-imp-win.mkiv.
Perhaps is it useful for someone else.
(wingdng2 and wingdng3 are included)
Greetings Lutz
P.S. Scheif virtuelle Tastatur
Am 31. März 2017 10:56:20 MESZ schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2017-03-30 um 23:35 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
: Henning Hraban Ramm 30. März 2017 um 13:14 via Postbox I’m trying to define a symbolset:
\definefontsynonym [Webdings] [file:Webdings.ttf] \def\WebdingsSymbol#1{\getglyphstyled{Webdings}{\tochar{x:#1}}}
\startsymbolset[webdings] \definesymbol [spider] [\WebdingsSymbol{f021}] \definesymbol [spiderweb] [\WebdingsSymbol{f022}] \definesymbol [sunglasses] [\WebdingsSymbol{f024}] \definesymbol [award] [\WebdingsSymbol{f026}] \definesymbol [ribbon] [\WebdingsSymbol{f02d}] \definesymbol [plane] [\WebdingsSymbol{f0f1}] % … \stopsymbolset
\usesymbols[webdings] \showsymbolset[webdings] \symbol[webdings][spider]
The font is included in my pdf, \showsymbolset[webdings] lists the names, but the symbols never show up. I also tried other fonts. What’s wrong? You can get the right number for each symbol from webdings.tma (look at the end of the file).
\definefontsynonym [Webdings] [file:Webdings.ttf]
\startsymbolset[webdings] \definesymbol [spider] [\WebdingsSymbol{983044}] \definesymbol [web] [\WebdingsSymbol{983045}] \definesymbol [cool] [\WebdingsSymbol{983047}] \stopsymbolset
\starttext \symbol[webdings][spider] \symbol[webdings][web] \symbol[webdings][cool] \stoptext
Thank you!
There seems to be a problem with Webdings.ttf: Fontexplorer shows glyph numbers with an 0xf000 offset, i.e. spider at 0xf021 instead of 0x0021. But ConTeXt can’t seem to find the glyphs even at the correct location, but by name it works.
So I exported the name list with fontforge and created the attached set - feel free to add it to the distribution. Also Wingdings.
Access by number works with other fonts, e.g. with Symbola.otf – I just introduced an error when I copied the webdings code and forgot to change the font name reference.
Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD
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