On Jan 27, 2008, at 1:32 AM, David Wooten wrote:
This includes lines which have an instrument name, as mentioned in the comments, and also includes piano notation, which has a special bracket on the left joining the two staffs.
Can anyone help me out here?
Best, David
No, I can't help, but I may have bad news for you: I played some with the lilypond module myself and found out that lilypond itself may be the culprit. lilypond can produce eps figures; that's the only way the output is cropped to just the figure and doesn't produce an entire page. Unfortunately, in my experiments, the bounding box which lilypond uses is always a bit too small, the elements you describe are always cut off at the left margin. You can try that by creating a standalone .ly file and running lilypond with the --backend=eps option on it, and you'll see the effect. I have tried with a number of options to modify this behavior of lilypond, but haven't had any success. Since lilypond is pretty broken on Os X 10.5 at the moment, I have given up for the time being. Thomas