5 Jan
5 Jan
2:26 p.m.
I wonder, why \setupcaptions doesn't work with combinations: \setupcaptions[number=no, style={\tfx\ss}, align=right] \setupcombinations[width=fit, align=right, style={\tfx\ss}] \placefigure[]{none}% {\startcombination[2] {\externalfigure[hammarskjoeld]}{Dag Hammarskjöld} {\externalfigure[kofi-dhf-grab]}{Kofi Annan am Grabe Dag Hammarskjölds} \stopcombination} "style" in \setupcombinations doesn't work, and it isn't inherited from \setupcaptions either. "align" would be superfluous in \setupcombinations, if a combination's subcaptions would use the \setupcaptions settings. Otherwise (less logical) \setupcombinations should support "style". Or is it my fault? Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- www.fiee.net/texnique/ www.ramm.ch/context/