+ limitation by substance: drawing is mostly done via fonts Yes, I forget to write it. [XFIG]..Export to context is good news. But still no parametrization
Vit, the last things. After that I consider this topic closed. possible :-( ..maybe something to play this summer... Now for metapost: shell_escape= f in texmf.cnf so \write18 is disabled. $>texexec --pdf f No circle; it seems right, because f.log says systems : randomizer starts with 797065300 mpost -progname=mpost -mem=metafun f-mpgraph system()...disabled. $> shell_escape=x ; texutil --purgeall; texexec --pdf f As before. $> shell_escape= ; texutil --purgeall; texexec --pdf f As before. $> shell_escape=t ; texutil --purgeall; texexec --pdf f Circle ok; again it's right, f.log says systems : randomizer starts with 800565448 system(mpost -progname=mpost -mem=metafun f-mpgraph)...executed. $> shell_escape=f ; texutil --purgeall; texexec --pdf f Strange:circle again. I found into texexec.pl if (($ENV{shell_escape} eq 'f') || ($ENV{SHELL_ESCAPE} eq 'f')) { $AutoMPRun = 1 ; } Hence texexec/texutil has called mpost instead of \write18; it's like shell_escape=t (for this task, not in general sense, of course) Hmm, it's not crystal clear: shell_escape=f means "shell_escape is False" shell_escape=t means "shell_escape is True" but for processing f.tex 'True and False are the same' $>shell_escape=; texutil --purge; texexec --pdf --automprun f Circle ok; it seems right, because I force execution of mpost. Again, many thanks luigi