Mauricio wrote:
Original Tex is not an option, since PDF, today's font formats (and Unicode) and many algorithms didn't exist when Knuth decided no features would be added anymore. Maybe I should hack the source code of pdftex or luatex? I can try that, but that's going to be hard work and I would like to know how far I can get before starting, or if there are easier options (like libraries to write PDF and read OpenType and books or example code of typesetting algorithms).
you want to writ ea full blown macro package with advanced font support etc etc? well, it will take you a couple of man-years
I'll never use macros, whatever the task is :) I think I want to have enough available libraries so that I could write small programs to generate documents. Most of the time I would probably insert the text in the source code, or create specialized programs that could deal with specific series of documents (I remember reading in an interview with Donald Knuth that this is the way TeX was supposed to be used when it was designed.) If that's not possible today, maybe I could at least write a nice library of general purpose typesetting algorithms that someone could use in the future to do what I want. Although I don't think giants should be on top of dwarfs... Best, MaurĂcio