On Thu, 28 Sep 2017 13:55:29 +0200
Pablo Rodriguez
As most of my customers are likely to use Acrobat Reader, I'm not really worried about the bookmarks not showing up in other readers. Why SumatraPDF shows bookmarks in test environment, but not in the proper one is an enigma, but I'm no longer worried about it. Problem solved, at least close enough.
Does the latest version of MuPDF show the bookmarks?
mupdf shows bookmarks? Because we are on the subject of PDF readers, I wish to point out to Mac OS X users that PDFkit, the Apple rendering library, was *seriously broken* in "Sierra" (OSX 10.12), perhaps before. This library is used by preview as well as skim and perhaps other pdf readers. The broken library seems to be fixed, at least somewhat, in the new version of "High Sierra" (OSX 10.13), making these Mac OS X readers usable (and bookmarks work)! Alan P.S. If bookmarks are broken with SumatraPDF, then we have even less of a chance in getting Hans' support.