At 11:17 07/05/2003 +1100, you wrote:
Hi all,
I have definitely not been flooded by answers. I am getting the impression that this forum might not have been the best one to ask (i.e. I have a practical problem which has little bearing with implementation aspects / bugs / new features of Context).
hm, normally questions get answered (willy often does the flow chart ones, but he may be off for a few days; begin may are also problematic days: many holidays, national thingies and so; personally i'm just back from the polish tex conference)
i forwarded the mail to willy -)
the best hack i can come up with is:
% output=pdftex
\startFLOWchart[boxes] \startFLOWcell \name {a} \location {1,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss A} \stopFLOWcell
\startFLOWcell \name {b} \location {2,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss B} \stopFLOWcell
\startFLOWcell \name {c} \location {3,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss C} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
\startFLOWchart[arrows] \includeFLOWchart[boxes] \startFLOWcell \name {1-2} \location {1,1} \shape {none} \connection[rl]{b} \stopFLOWcell \startFLOWcell \name {2-3} \location {2,1} \shape {none} \connection[rl]{c} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
when i have time i'll think about some extension
That is what I meant with my other reply. - I feel however that this is not quite what Emmanuel is looking for. I stand corrected, the idea is to have a basket with shapes and another basket with arrows. Pick on the fly the necessary pieces and assemble them in a chart, place the chart in a figure environment and put a numberd legenda underneath of it. -- Hm, I would not know how to achieve this without tweaking the sources... Willi