Dnia Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 11:13:47AM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster napisał(a):
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Marcin Borkowski
wrote: Dnia Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 11:25:17PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster napisał(a):
\def\doPutTitle#1% {\framed[frame=offwidth=\textwidth,align=middle]{#1}% \blank[nobreak,line]}
And what to do if I want to use a similar to above command in
\def\doPutTitle#1#2% {\framed[frame=offwidth=\textwidth,align=middle]{#1\space#1}}
That I knew, sorry:(.
to avoid a page break right after the title?
ConTeXt already tries to avoid page breaks after headers.
OK. The problem was a bit different: I started the chapter with an itemize without [intro]. Now it works, thanks!
Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) Najkrótszy dowcip matematyczny: Obierzmy epsilon ujemne.