seyal.zavira@gmail.com schrieb am 23.05.2024 um 18:59:
Thanks so much
but what should a person do if he wants to define an equivalent of \eTD? for example it can be useful for RTL language such as: \def\پسل{\eTD} and as you said this code will not work.
You can create your own replacement for the \bTD ... \eTD pair define a command which is delimited by another command. To do this you have to first create a new command like always as \def\... which takes a single argument and at the end after the argument you another command is used as delimiter for the argument. The argument of your new delimited command is then passed to the normal commands for the table cell. %%%% begin example \starttext \protected\def\StartTableCell#1\StopTableCell {\bTD#1\eTD} % New method to create delimited arguments with #L and #R in Luametatex % % \protected\def\StartTableCell#L\StartTableCell#R\StopTableCell#1% % {\bTD#1\eTD} \bTABLE \bTR \StartTableCell row 1 column 1 \StopTableCell \StartTableCell row 1 column 2 \StopTableCell \eTR \bTR \StartTableCell row 2 column 1 \StopTableCell \StartTableCell row 2 column 2 \StopTableCell \eTR \eTABLE \stoptext %%% end example Wolfgang