On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 at 17:46, Gavin
The instructions we followed for installing the modules are at
These instructions include the line
rsync -rltv --del rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/modules/ modules
This does not seem to produce the same files as the distribution.contextgarden.net address that you provided.
What's the main difference? (Sure, you get all of the modules, not just TikZ. I somewhat suspect that old files don't get deleted, so you may also end up with some old files with the same name taking precedence and breaking the functionality.)
Should we be following different installation instructions?
I didn't test them, but the instructions seem more or less correct. If you only need tikz (or just for testing with a fresh installation), you could test with something similar to rsync -av --delete rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/modules/t-tikz/ path-to/texmf-modules/ Mojca