Hello, How can I achieve this chapter numbering? — page 1: I My chapter (header) ----------------- First My chapter (text) — page 2: II My chapter (header) ------------------ II My chapter (text) That is to say having every chapter number in roman numeral except the first one but only in the text (not in the header). For the moment I can achieve only the chapter numbering for the text but not for the header: \define[1]{\myconversion}{\ifcase #1\relax \or First\else \convertnumber{Romannumerals}{#1}\fi} \defineconversion[myconversion][\myconversion] \setuphead[chapter][conversion=myconversion] \setupheadertexts[{\getmarking[chapternumber]\quad\getmarking[chapter]}] \starttext \startchapter[title=My chapter] \stopchapter \startchapter[title=My chapter] \stopchapter \stoptext Best regards.