I am using \filename to type-set filenames. Some of these are very long (greater than 30 characters) and overhang the right hand margin, sometimes even disappearing off the edge of the page. The first line break is just before the full stop. There are usually plenty of spaces in the names. Can I get ConTeXt to put a line-break into filenames?
Did you try \hyphenatedfilename ?
Yes, I tried that, no difference. I presume that \hyphenatedfilename is for use with filenames that already have hyphens in them? Mine don't, but I want them to split. Perhaps splitting filenames is frowned upon - if so, what is the best way to put them into documents? Or perhaps I should use shorter filenames, but why should I compromise readability? One example is "Transfer functions for PID and KF controllers.xmcd" Any ideas or comments? Richard