Aditya Mahajan schrieb am 07.10.18 um 15:26:
There is a FontAwesome.otf file that is distributed with ConTeXt minimals. Does anyone know what version (4 or 5) of the font it is? I am asking because the names of the symbols used in the font do not match those on the font-awesome website. For example, using
The distribution includes version 4.7.
I get that the symbol for "utensils" (https://fontawesome.com/icons/utensils?style=solid) is actually mapped to "food" in ConTeXt. Since the names of the symbols are now taken from the font, my guess is that the distribution has an old version of the font (also because it is a single font rather than three).
Would it make sense to update the fonts in the distribution? If not, then simply remove the old version of the fonts?
Also, don't we need to update the symb-imp-fontawesome.mkiv file to work with the new symbols. Font awesome has split the fonts into three (https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use/on-the-desktop/setup/getting-started):
Solid, Regular, and Brands. (There are also pro version of the fonts). The simplest way to use them will be to have three symbolsets (fontawesome, fontawesome-solid, and fontawesome-brands), where the names are taken from the fonts.
In the meanwhile, Hraban has painstakenly written out the mappings by hand, but the automatic mapping might be simpler (and more future proof). https://github.com/fiee/ConTeXt/blob/master/symbols/symb-awesome5.mkiv
While I have no problem replacing the old symbols you can support both when you use new set names for the new version (even for the regular style). \definefontsynonym [FontAwesomeBrands] [file:fontawesome5brandsregular400.otf] \definefontsynonym [FontAwesomeRegular] [file:fontawesome5freeregular400.otf] \definefontsynonym [FontAwesomeSolid] [file:fontawesome5freesolid900.otf] \startsymbolset [fontawesome-brands] [font=FontAwesomeBrands] % Font Awesome Brands \stopsymbolset \startsymbolset [fontawesome-regular] [font=FontAwesomeRegular] % Font Awesome Regular \stopsymbolset \startsymbolset [fontawesome-solid] [font=FontAwesomeSolid] % Font Awesome Solid \stopsymbolset \starttext \startnamedsection [title] [title={Font Awesome Brands}] \showsymbolset [fontawesome-brands] \stopnamedsection \startnamedsection [title] [title={Font Awesome Regular}] \showsymbolset [fontawesome-regular] \stopnamedsection \startnamedsection [title] [title={Font Awesome Solid}] \showsymbolset [fontawesome-solid] \stopnamedsection \stoptext Wolfgang