On Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
the following example with subpagenumbers works fine with MkII, but MkIV produce a extra last page and I try to get rid of this page.
\setupsubpagenumber [number=1, way=bytext, state=start]
\dorecurse{8}{\input knuth\par}
\dorecurse{8}{\input zapf\par}
After more than a hour research I found the problem for the extra page in mkiv with subpagenumbering. The following lines solve it: \unprotect % core-two.mkii \ifx \immediatesavetwopassdata\undefined \let\immediatesavetwopassdata\savetwopassdata \fi % page-num.tex \def\savenofsubpages {\ifsubpaging \showmessage\m!layouts6{\newnofsubpages,\the\subpageno}% %\savetwopassdata{\s!subpage}{\newnofsubpages}{\the\subpageno}% \immediatesavetwopassdata{\s!subpage}{\newnofsubpages}{\the\subpageno}% \fi} \protect The mkiv definition for \savetwopassdata store the value after the shipout and not immediately as the mkii version did and this cause another page in the output to store the information. Wolfgang