28 Mar
28 Mar
4:29 p.m.
Everything works perfectly if I arrange one page for sheet, e.g. \setuppapersize[A5][A5] or \setuppapersize[A5][A4, landscape]
This creates a normal document with a A5 pagesize and a A4 papersize, independant from page arrangment.
If have more pages for sheet, \setuppapersize[A5][A4, landscape] \setuparranging[2*2]
This create pages in A5 format and place the individual pages and a paper with A4, landscape format. The table of content is always disabled in imposition mode, to get rid of this you can use the "arrangment" key for texexec. This will run the document at first without page arrangment and impose the pages in a seperate run after the table of contents is created. Hans explained this a few times in the past. Wolfgang