Thanks Jean-Pierre, and no, you're not carrying owls to Athens, in whatever language. ;) I'm very new to ConTeXt and not all that experienced in the Linux world either. My French is honed on cooking recipes rather than computing and coding, but I was able to follow your page allright. 1. I don't have my standalone ConTeXt tree anywhere under /home/... but in /usr/local/context/..., as suggested on the wiki. Would that make a difference? 2. What do "--generate" and "--make" do? I remember having run them at one occasion or other, but to no avail as to the TeXworks problem. Shouldn't they be run by the installation script anyway? I had managed the fonts database stuff, thanks to the wiki and some trial and error. It was time I learned about environment variables in Linux and Xfce anyway. Cheers -- Thomas Am 17.05.2016 um 15:22 schrieb Jean-Pierre Delange:
And don't forget to do this before coding : 1) cd /home/[...]/context/tex/. setuptex This command answers this : "Setting "/home/JohnDoe/context/tex" as ConTeXt root." 2) Then : cd .../context/tex/texmf-win64 (or linux64) with a x64 computer 3) Then type : context --generate and type : context --make
4) Finally, if you add fonts (in /usr/share/fonts, or $HOME/.fonts), don't forget to reload the font database (in the same depositery as 3)); the command is as follow : mtxrun --script fonts --reload In order to see which fonts are installed on your system: mtxrun --script fonts --list --all To search a font (like didot) : mtxrun --script fonts --list --pattern=*didot* --all
All these commands are the same on windows/linux/OS X
More information in French here : https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/ConTeXt
Hope that ich sende nicht Eulen nach Athens ! JP
----- Mail original ----- De: "Thomas Fehige"
À: ntg-context@ntg.nl Envoyé: Mardi 17 Mai 2016 14:39:27 Objet: Re: [NTG-context] Setting up TeXworks Whew, I've got it running, finally.
For some reason, TeXworks needs to tell mtxrun explicitly where its texmf-tree is located. Meaning, an additional argument is required in TeXworks's starter setup, which now looks like this:
name: ConTeXt MkIV command: mtxrun arguments: --tree=/usr/local/context/tex <-- this is the one! --autogenerate --script context $fullname
In the "Paths to TeX and friends" list I have
/usr/local/context/texmf-linux-64 /usr/local/context/bin
as the top two entries.
I don't know what exactly is going on here, so I don't feel confident to add this to the wiki, but maybe someone else does and will.
Thanks for listening -- Thomas