15 May
15 May
9:31 a.m.
On 2012-05-15 Hans Hagen
In pgfutil-context.def there is a macro
which tests for gray (g) before rgb (rg) but I think should reverse that order
feel free to test this and submit it as patch to the tikz maintainers.
Thanks for the code. I tested the code with the graphs I created so far and it seems to work fine. However, my graphics don't fiddle with “fancy” stuff (transparency, etc.). I submitted the patch and a bug report. The future will show the side effects.
For mkiv the whole checker/converter can be replaced by a few lines of code but I won't bother you with that.
I have no clue about the internals of the colour models of ConTeXt and TikZ. You don't want me to mess with that :) Regards Marco Patzer