On 2013–04–28 Keith J. Schultz wrote:
can someone explain to me why loading a file/typescript is producing spaces????
The typescripts themselves are full of spaces and new lines. And you really want those spaces for readability. TeX usually squashes multiple spaces into one, but spaces still matter in many circumstances, e.g. within an \hbox.
If the code that does load the file/s produced spaces for debugging purposes that is fine, but should not they actually going somewhere else?
There's no code that produces spaces. The spaces are in the typescript file.
Personally, I find it a bug if loading fonts or other files produces extraneous characters!
This is usually not a problem, since typescripts are loaded in the setup area. Even when loaded within the text area the spaces don't cause problems. Loading an entire file within a box, like I did in the example, is an unusual edge-case and there's a simple workaround, see Wolfgangs answer. Except if there's an easy fix for that, I'm personally fine knowing where the spaces are coming from and how to prevent them, which I do now. Marco