Hi all, I recently transitioned from LaTeX to ConTeXt. There was some particular thing I needed to do (which escapes me at the moment) that was far, far easier to do in ConTeXt than in LaTeX. And, as I've learned, I've found that that's quite often the case. So, a huge thank you to everyone involved. A couple hours ago I was annoyed that I couldn't find an equivalent for the LaTeX 'cancel' environment/command/style(?)[1]. Now, I'm truly amazed that 'cancel' required a whole package. After discovering that 'underline' and 'strikethrough' were implemented as overlays, I quickly coded up the following: \startuseMPgraphic{MyCancel} draw (0,.2*\overlayheight)--(\overlaywidth,\overlayheight); \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[mycancel][\useMPgraphic{MyCancel}] \def\cancel#1{\framed[background=mycancel,frame=off]{#1}} Now, I'm sure this is not *quite* the right way to do it. The 'cancel'ed items end up being placed too high on the line, and other spacings are slightly off. But, taking a cue from underlining, I kept the MyCancel graphic and tried: \definetextbackground [cancel] [location=text, alternative=1, background=mycancel] % plus boilerplate for setting up \startcancel\stopcancel ...But, while composing this email, I found what I wanted, which still isn't ``right'' in some sense: \def\cancel#1{\framed[background=mycancel,frame=off,width=fit,height=fit,strut=no]{#1}} I found the parameters for \framed. I'm still learning to Read The Fantastic Manuals, but sent this anyway since I wanted to say thanks. Best, Ben [1] e.g. http://www.sosmath.com/CBB/viewtopic.php?t=9412