Hans van der Meer wrote:
I have made a minimal example and done some variations. See file test.tex and testfig.tex 1. including my own metapost macroset for Label (custom.mp) gives different results for \forceMPTEXgraphictrue -- \forceMPTEXgraphicfalse undefined as label for true, unknown as label for false
The false -> unknown is to be expected. Without it, context does not understand that "Label" is similar to "textext". As an alternative, it is also possible to do \forceMPTEXcheck{Label}
2. draw textext gives in both cases label undefined.
This typically means the the embedded TeX run for the textext failed, but the problem could also be that the entire metapost run was wrong.
I do not know why this does occur on my MacOSX system and obviously not on other systems. But the effect is demonstrably their. Could it be something in the communication between TeX and Metapost? Or something related end-of-line stuff?
Because even simple backgrounds fail (and only on MacOSX), end-of-line stuff seems a likely candidate. What is the contents of the test-mpgraph.mp? Greetings, Taco