Since yesterday I cant compile my files.
I have writen:
\NC Number \NC #1 \NC\NR
\NC Title \NC #2 \NC\NR
\NC Page \NC #3 \NC\NR
\NC File \NC \structurelistuservariable{file} \NC\NR
\NC Number \NC #1 \NC\NR
\NC Title \NC #2 \NC\NR
\NC File \NC \structureuservariable{file} \NC\NR
\startchapter[title=Knuth example][file=knuth.tex]
\input knuth
\startchapter[title=Zapf example][file=zapf.tex]
\input zapf
\NC Number \NC #1 \NC\NR
\NC Title \NC #2 \NC\NR
\NC Page \NC #3 \NC\NR
\NC File \NC \structurelistuservariable{file} \NC\NR
\NC Number \NC #1 \NC\NR
\NC Title \NC #2 \NC\NR
\NC File \NC \structureuservariable{file} \NC\NR
\startchapter[title=Knuth example][file=knuth.tex]
\input knuth
\startchapter[title=Zapf example][file=zapf.tex]
\input zapf
Then i get the following code
Command Line: context.exe --synctex=-1 "short.tex"
Startup Folder: D:\My Documents
Error Launching Console Application ConTeXt ...
Command Line: context.exe --synctex=-1 "short.tex"
Startup Folder: D:\My Documents
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
Whats wrong here? ConTeXt standalone is installed.