Hi, Thanks to Hraban for providing spot->process color examples and Luigi and Taco for testing viewers Duncan can now do more advanced shades, that is, if he weren't using mkii. For this metafun has been extended with a few more shading commands, with the nicest being: path p ; p := fullsquare scaled 8cm shifted (20cm,-10cm) ; fill p withshading("linear",llcorner p,urcorner p) withcolor red shadedinto green ; Test file: \starttext \definecolor [blueish] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % pantone pms 2965 uncoated m \definecolor [yellowish] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % pantone pms 124 uncoated m \definespotcolor [blue-0] [blueish] [p=0.1] \definespotcolor [blue-50] [blueish] [p=0.5] \definespotcolor [blue-100] [blueish] [p=0.9] \definespotcolor [yellow-0] [yellowish] [p=0.1] \definespotcolor [yellow-50] [yellowish] [p=0.5] \definespotcolor [yellow-100] [yellowish] [p=0.9] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor] [blueish=.12,yellowish=.28] % [c=.1,m=.1,y=.3,k=.1] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor-1] [blueish=0,yellowish=1] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor-2] [blueish=1,yellowish=0] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor-3] [blueish=0.1,yellow=0.9] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor-4] [blueish=0.9,yellow=0.1] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor-5] [blueish=0.1,magenta=0.9,yellow=0.75,cyan=0.8] % [c=1] \definemultitonecolor [somecolor-6] [blueish=0.9,magenta=0.1,yellow=0.25,cyan=0.8] % [m=1] \startMPpage path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (0cm,0) ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{blue-100} ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (5cm,0) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),5cm,0) withcolor red shadedinto green ; fill p withshading("circular",center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),5cm,0) withcolor red shadedinto green ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (10cm,0) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),5cm,0) withfromshadecolor red withtoshadecolor green ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (15cm,0) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),5cm,0) withfromshadecolor \MPcolor{blue-0} withtoshadecolor \MPcolor{blue-100} ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (20cm,0) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p,5cm,0) withfromshadecolor \MPcolor{yellow-0} withtoshadecolor \MPcolor{yellow-50} ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (0cm,-10cm) ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{somecolor} ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (5cm,-10cm) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),10cm,0) withfromshadecolor \MPcolor{somecolor-2} withtoshadecolor \MPcolor{somecolor-1} ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (10cm,-10cm) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),10cm,0) withfromshadecolor \MPcolor{somecolor-3} withtoshadecolor \MPcolor{somecolor-4} ; path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm shifted (15cm,-10cm) ; fill p withcircularshading(center p,center p shifted (0,5cm),10cm,0) withfromshadecolor \MPcolor{somecolor-6} withtoshadecolor \MPcolor{somecolor-5} ; path p ; p := fullsquare scaled 8cm shifted (20cm,-10cm) ; fill p withshading("linear",llcorner p,urcorner p) withcolor red shadedinto green ; \stopMPpage \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------