Hi Thomas, I guess it might be interesting to have the following feature: a command that prints the range of lines on the page. \setupheadertexts[firstlineinpage--lastlineinpage] \getmarking[chapter] \starttext \startlinenumbering \dorecurse{200}{This is verse number \recurselevel.\\} \stoplinenumbering \stoptext I think this might be a command such as \getrangeinpage[linenumbering]. Also a similar feature would be useful for margin data (in critical editions, margin data are mainly for pages of canonical editions). In that case, the command could be something similar to: \definemargindata[Olearius] \getrangeinpage[Olearius] Two examples in which these could make sense: In any poetry edition (such as Homer’s works), verse ranges in page headers are extremely helpful for readers. For Plato or Aristotle, the Stephanus or Bekker pagination is important to locate passages. Having also the range in the headers could be very helpful to the reader. In this case, the range should start with the first margin data in page only if the page starts there. Otherwise, the last “open” margin data (from previous page) should start the range in page. I hope it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk