Dear all, I use grid to typeset documents, this works all fine in main text, but in margin notes it does not seem that interline spacing is as tight. Is there any way to get tighter interline spacing in margin notes too ? Following simple MWE illustrates the situation \setuplayout[grid=both] \setupmargindata[outer][style=\tf] \starttext Foo\\ {\tfb Foo} Bar \inouter{Foo\\ {\tfb Foo}\\ Bar}Baz\\ Foo \stoptext This is a non sensible MWE where the \tfb here replaces another font with a bit taller letters (Hebrew Lamed to name). I tried \smash around these, which works but wondered if there was some other solution without using non zero height hbox. Also I’d like to avoid to increase the interline spacing if possible. Thanks a lot for any hint Best regards Joseph Canedo