Am 21.05.2009 um 18:29 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Robert-André Mauchin wrote:
Hi again, I have been reading all threads about the French typography in this mailing list, however the current solution is alas far for perfect. The command \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] was a good idea, but it only deals with spacing. French typography rules not only tells us that there should be a narrow, or a normal space before some punctuation marks like :, ;, , !, ?, « or », but also that theses spaces must be non breakable otherwise line breaking could occur just before a punctuation mark (and this is very bad). Take a look at the following example: \section{Production locale indigène ou production romaine importée?}
\hsize .1mm a? aa? aaa? aaaa?
seems ok here so what version are you using?
Not tested but shouldn't be the following two lines (type-spa.lua -> line 131/132) be written in the reverse order (penalty before skip). insert_node_after(head,start,make_glue_node(tex.scale(quad,right))) insert_node_after(head,start,make_penalty_node(10000)) Wolfgang