From the Wiki I learn about \startstaticMPfigure that it "creates a separate pdf file containing the graphic". But when I exercise the example given I do not see those staticMPfigure's in sepaarte pdf's. What am I missing? I thought to use this for generating a series of separate pdf's, to be further processed as png/tiff files.
\startstaticMPfigure{center} draw fullcircle scaled 2cm ; dotlabel.bot (textext("(0,0)"),origin); \stopstaticMPfigure \startstaticMPfigure{radius} draw fullcircle scaled 2cm ; drawarrow (0,0)--(1cm,0); label.bot(textext("$r$"),(5mm,0)) ; \stopstaticMPfigure \starttext Circle centered \usestaticMPfigure[center][width=1cm] at origin with radius \usestaticMPfigure[radius][width=1cm] $r=1\,\text{cm}$. \stoptext By the way, is transparency still working as in the wiki example below, or has transparency vanished? \startreusableMPgraphic{a} fill unitsquare scaled 1cm withcolor yellow; fill unitsquare shifted (0.5,0.5) scaled 1cm withcolor transparent (1,0.5,red); \stopreusableMPgraphic \placefigure[force,none]{}{\reuseMPgraphic{a}} Thanks in advance Hans van der Meer