M.J. Kallen wrote:
It would be nice to have an option which only puts the cited references into the .bbl file. Now if I use the authoryear option and I have two references from the same author in the same year, I get either "Author (2007a)" or "Author (2007b)" and not "Author (2007)" in the bibliography if I only cite one of them in my document. Now I have to remove one of the references manually from either the .bib or .bbl files, which is certainly not a disaster, but I do not have to do this with LaTeX+BibTeX.
Would this be possible?
Sure, I have that on the 'todo' list already. But my schedule is a bit overconstrained, and I never seem to get around working on the module. So unless someone else wants to help out, the next release of the module may not be until somewhere in 2008. Best wishes, Taco