Thank you for the suggestions.
However, I have tried many such, things...
On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:50:14 +0100
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 19.03.2012 um 12:45 schrieb Alan BRASLAU:
I would like to use, for example,
\setuphead [chapter] [after={\placecontent\blank}]
But sometimes, I would like to use something like
\startchapter [number=no,incrementnumber=no,after=, title={Conclusions of the first part}]
You know \starttitle, it’s the unnumbered version of \startchapter.
Yes, of course, but \starttitle does not, by design, add an entry to the TOC, nor a bookmark. And \starttitle [title={Conclusions}] \writetolist[chapter]{}{Conclusions}% works \bookmark{Conclusions}% Does not work! is less elegant than \startchapter [number=no,incrementnumber=no,title={Conclusions}] (but does have the advantage of suppressing the "Chapter" label.)
We have the following key for \setuphead:
- beforesection (called before \startchapter), - insidesection (called after \startchapter) and - aftersection (called after \stopchapter)
You suggest that I use insidesection={\placecontent\blank} rather than after={\placecontent\blank}. OK, this works. However, in both cases, the contents get placed after the above \starttitle (or \startchapter) commands, something that one really does not want. Alternately, adding \placecontent\blank everywhere else is sloppy.
2. If I have: \setuplabeltext [chapter=Chapter ] % with trailing space; blank by default would there be some way to specify chapter=, (or another mechanism) to have the Chapter label blank for a specific instance of \startchapter?
The easiest way is to create a new heading for this purpose.
I do not really want to create new headings for this purpose, if I can avoid it, and should be unnecessary. The suggestion would be for specific instances of \startchapter etc. to be able to take \setuphead keywords as local definitions. Alan