Andrea Valle schrieb:
Dear all,
I've created this.
(it's 5 mB)
The cover and the separators in the pages are generated stretching on layers the same image (a pdf generated by Metapost)
% cover \setlayer [mybg] [x=0\paperwidth, y=0\paperheight] {\color[lightgray]\externalfigure[alternando] [height=1\paperheight,width=1\paperwidth]} % red horizontal separator \setlayer [mybg2] [x=0\paperwidth, y=.45\paperheight] {\color[darkred]\externalfigure[alternando] [height=.1\paperheight,width=\paperwidth]} % gray vertical separator \setlayer [mybg3] [x=.9\paperwidth, y=0\paperheight] {\color[lightgray]\externalfigure[alternando] [height=\paperheight,width=.05\paperwidth]}
In on macosx it's all displayed as expected (this is a png snapshot of the horizontal separator: ). But Acrobat displays the separators (the cover is ok) as a sequence of filled boxes. Can it depends on some resolutions setting? Or what?
hi andrea, zoom to a level of 6400% and you can give the answer yourself. this is just the way acrobat's rip is interpreting your separator gfx. you can try to remove the horizontal border lines (also too fine for printing). additionaly you can use (slightly) alternating background colors per line to emphasize the horizontal borders (like in exxel). btw: very nice location (only sunlight is missing); please drop a note when the final pdf is released :) best wishes, peter