Piotr Kopszak wrote:
Hello list,
Sorry for being boring, but I still can't figure out whether Delicious font can or cannot be used with latest beta. It still does not work for me. Strangely
mtxrun --script font --list|grep deli
deliciousbold Delicious-Bold Delicious-Bold.otf deliciousbolditalic Delicious-BoldItalic Delicious-BoldItalic.otf deliciousheavy Delicious-Heavy Delicious-Heavy.otf deliciousheavymedium Delicious-Heavy Delicious-Heavy.otf deliciousitalic Delicious-Italic Delicious-Italic.otf deliciousmedium Delicious-Roman Delicious-Roman.otf deliciousroman Delicious-Roman Delicious-Roman.otf delicioussmallcaps Delicious-SmallCaps Delicious-SmallCaps.otf delicioussmallcapsmedium Delicious-SmallCaps Delicious-SmallCaps.otf
It may be possible that in the newest beta's you have to give the first column from the --list output as the font name, like so: \starttypescript [sans] [delicious] \definefontsynonym [Delicious-Regular] [name:deliciousroman] \definefontsynonym [Delicious-Italic] [name:deliciousitalic] \definefontsynonym [Delicious-Bold] [name:deliciousbold] \definefontsynonym [Delicious-BoldItalic] [name:deliciousbolditalic] \definefontsynonym [Delicious-Caps] [name:delicioussmallcaps] \stoptypescript Best wishes, Taco