Hello. I many of my documents I use \startformula and \stopformula to get displayed mathematics. But I would like to be able to discourage ConTeXt to insert page breaks just before \startformula. Is there any easy way to do this? Also, how do I make \lim behave as \lim\nolimits in inner math (between $ and $) mode and as \lim\limits in displayed math mode (between \startformula and \stopformula)? I known that the following code works. \let\oldlim\lim \def\lim{\ifinner\oldlim\nolimits\else\oldlim\limits\fi} But is there some other way? Perhaps I can change something in \definemathcommand [lim] [limop] {\mfunction{lim}} ? -- Emil Hedevang Lohse http://home.imf.au.dk/emil/ Alle spørgsmål er lige dumme. Og spørgsmålet "Kan ænder flyve?" er ikke dumt.