At 20:53 25/05/2004, you wrote:
On 05/25/04 19:04:36, Adam Tee wrote: Hi all,
I have a small problem with a document I am processing. When I include a certain file , using \component productions, and process it I get the following error.
! Missing } inserted. <inserted text> } <to be read again> \endgroup l.56 \stopappendices
However, if I run the file on its own it processes fine no errors. Does anyone know the solution to this as it is causing problems with some references.
hard to track down with no example; looks like a egroup/endgroup mixup; maybe you can run with etex's \tracinggroups set
Also, is there a way to easily adjust the distance between abbreviations and their infull versions on the Abbreviations page as I have some overlap ??
abbreviations are just definitions so you can o the same trickery Hans