Hans Hagen via ntg-context
can you show what is wrong and what it should be with
fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { name = "germantexlig", type = "ligature", data = { ['“'] = { "`", "`" }, ['”'] = { "'", "'" }, ['„'] = { '"', "`" }, ['“'] = { '"', "'" }, ['‘'] = { "`" }, ['’'] = { "'" } } }
Since `` and "' map to the same character, only "' works. The table has only 5 entries, not 6! (This took me a while to realize. ;))
best not use an existign feature because we accumulate ... features come in order (you can force order if needed as you probably saw in one of the test files)
\definefontfeature[ltest][germantexlig=yes,trep=no] \addff{ltest}
I think "texlig" and "texsub" aren't existing features. But even
renaming doesn't help.
I've attached the working Schola screenshot and the broken LModern
Leah Neukirchen