On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 13:37:47 +0200 (MEST)
"Severin Obertuefer"
it works, but only with a "normal" circle. if the circle is xyscaled the same thing seems to bee much more complicate...
additionally, a more general solution: %%% \setupoutput[pdftex] \setupcolors[state=start] \startMPinclusions vardef cutbetween (expr p,a,b)= if (xpart (p intersectiontimes a))> (xpart (p intersectiontimes b)): ((p cutbefore b) cutafter a) else: (p cutbefore b)--(p cutafter a) fi enddef; \stopMPinclusions \starttext \startMPpage save c, A, B ; path c, A, B; A := (origin--(3cm,2cm)) ; B := (origin--(-5cm,1cm)) ; draw B ; draw A ; c := fullcircle scaled 2cm xyscaled(1.3,.8) ; clip currentpicture to c ; draw c withpen pencircle scaled 1.4pt withcolor .7white ; drawarrow cutbetween(c,B,A) withcolor .7green ; drawarrow cutbetween(c,A,B) withcolor green ; c := reverse c xyscaled (0.3,0.9) ; draw c withpen pencircle scaled 1.4pt withcolor .7white ; drawarrow cutbetween(c,B,A) withcolor .7red ; drawarrow cutbetween(c,A,B) withcolor red ; \stopMPpage \stoptext %%% Jens