Hans Hagen
On 6/18/2013 1:38 PM, hwitloc@gmail.com wrote:
Aditya, thanks for the information adding \setmathfont[modern] It fixed the problem for the default bullet symbols. But, it did not fix the case where I'm trying to use the $\diamond$ symbol as the bullet, and compile time errors occur. I will attach the log file. Hopefully you can identify what is missing.
I apologize for my lack of knowledge about fonts details and handling at this poing, but am learning. Here is the minimal exampple:
the names of lm math fonts have changed a few times ... if you use the file: prefix and goodie files are loaded the logic makes sure that at least one is found
so, the question is: does simplefonts (the one on your machine) define the lm math font in the right way (read: adapted to the latest fashion)
Good question. How should I go about finding the answer to this? Updated all TeXLive 2011 a week ago. mkiv says: contextunable to define latinmodernmath-regular.otf as [simplefonts:1-12pt-mm-mr--2] And as you say "! Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set. system > tex > error on line 19 in file bullet-problem.tex: Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set ... " and "l.19 \item 此 の行にbulletを打つ。 Sorry, but I can't typeset math unless various parameters have been set. This is normally done by loading special math fonts into the math family slots. Your font set is lacking at least the parameter mentioned earlier. ! Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set. " The item text is getting properly placed and there is actually no problem there. The parsing is getting out of step, probably because of a missing parameter. I don't know if this is relevant but the below produces a null output. $ mtxrun --locate lmmath-regular.otf $ Ref: "(read: adapted to the latest> fashion)" Is there a way to ascertain version information about simplefonts if there are different ones floating around? Getting to your main question: How can I find out if simplefonts, the one here on this machine, defines a lm math font in the right way?