thank you for your contributions and sorry for deleting TextMate.
Am 2016-10-25 um 18:19 schrieb Nicola
- jEdit (http://www.jedit.org), good for TeX and LilyPond;
On OSX, jEdit is no fun. LilyPondTool for jEdit is deprecated (if it still works at all, it didn’t for me years ago). For LilyPond there’s nothing better than Frescobaldi (except Emacs, vi and ed, of course).
- TextWrangler (shameless plug: I wrote decent syntax support for MetaPost/MetaFun);
I’m still using that, too (but switching). Where can we find your support files?
- Atom (https://atom.io): I have not used it much, but it has lots of plugins, so chances are that there is some good TeX stuff.
After a short test I like it very much. Back in the early days of OSX I loved AlphaX (written in Tcl); I just checked: the project is still/again active (http://alphacocoa.sourceforge.net). There are really a lot of tiny details that makes an editor "favourite" or not. For me, it’s often the key bindings (they need to work with a German keyboard layout, TextWrangler fails at that) and behaviour like: - mark some lines, press Tab or Shift-Tab to indent/outdent (not: replace text with tab) - mark some text, type brace/bracket/quote to surround, not replace, the text - mark text, click-and-move to move (not copy), alt-click to copy - mouse movement/scrolling must never change the file/buffer (problem of many tab widgets) - just the right visibility of space characters (some editors highlight them too much) Good search-and-replace (with regexes) is essential; TextWrangler is quite usable in that regard, but it shouldn’t use an extra window. I loved Smultron’s search bar. I like TextWrangler’s list of open files as a side bar better than "tabs". Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer) GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD