On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:05 AM, Aditya Mahajan
On Tue, 6 Apr 2010, Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini wrote:
I get allways (10 times at least) the same result: ------------------------------------------------------------- \starttext \startluacode math.randomseed(os.time()) \stopluacode
Encode your Name and Surname as a \startluacode local a = {'null-terminated', 'dollar-terminated', 'Pascal'} context('%s string', a[math.random(1,3)]) \stopluacode \stoptext ------------------------------------------------------------- How can I randomize this?
Hmm... which version are you using? I do get a ranom output each time. Tested with 2009.12.31 and 2010.03.20.
Since the math seed is set after \starttext, it should overwrite the value after reading the tuc file.
Same here: # for j in `seq 1 100`; do context test.tex &> /dev/null; pdftotext test.pdf -|grep Encode; done >> out # nl out |tail -1 100 Encode your Name and Surname as a null-terminated string # grep 'Encode your Name and Surname as a Pascal string' out |nl|tail -1 33 Encode your Name and Surname as a Pascal string # grep 'Encode your Name and Surname as a dollar-terminated string' out |nl|tail -1 35 Encode your Name and Surname as a dollar-terminated string # grep 'Encode your Name and Surname as a null-terminated string' out |nl|tail -1 32 Encode your Name and Surname as a null-terminated string which is pretty good for only 100 samples -- luigi