Here is an example illustrating the situation (and perhaps a problem or two): --------------------------------------- \setuppapersize[letter] \starttext \input zapf \input zapf \input zapf \input zapf If using placefigure without enough space left on the page, this will be the last paragraph, but if we use placefloat, part of the knuth text will appear before the break. \hangsidefloat[2] \placeFLOGURE [left] {}{} \input knuth \input zapf \input zapf \stoptext ------------------------------------ Where the example reads \placeFLOGURE just edit to read either \placefigure or \placefloat and then typeset the text. Afterwards, change it to the other, typeset, and note the difference in where the page breaks, and what happens on the subsequent page. I have a couple of questions concerning the example. (1) If you comment out one (or two) of the first set of "\input zapf" commands, then the \hangsidefloat[2]\placefigure works *beautifully*, with two lines of text above the figure, the next lines to the side, and then again, underneath the figure. However, when the example is run as originally specified (with all the '\input zapf' text), and the figure is pushed to the next page, for some reason the 2 lines that appeared above the figure now appear aligned with the lines to the side of the figure, with blank space above. Is this the correct behavior, or a bug, or am I just failing to understand the subtleties of hanging side floats? (2) Even though I specify "left" when using \placefloat, it appears *centered* on the page. Again, is that the correct behavior, or a bug or am I just failing to understand the mechanism for float placement. (3) Is there a way to have text wrap around a \placefloat or is that only a feature of \placefigure ? Regards, Randolph