29 Aug
29 Aug
3:39 p.m.
Am 29.08.2010 um 14:37 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Hello, Is the ability to place data with the recipient address on the right side of the page? There are envelopes with a window on the right side.
Thanks. Jaroslav
\setupletterstyle[address][style=\ssbf] % OK \setupletterstyle[address][style=\ssbf, location=right] % or align=right or leftmargin .... etc is without effect
The address is placed with a layer and you need the normal layer options to change it's position, the easiest way is to use the right top corner as the origin and set the distances to this position. \setupletterstyle[address] % \setupletterlayer[address] [style=sansbold, preset=righttop, hoffset=2cm, voffset=7cm] Wolfgang