Am 14.02.2009 um 14:14 schrieb Alan Stone:
\setupheadertexts[\doifoddpageelse{right page}{left page}]
\definetext[chapter][header][chapter page]
% The \definetext command works like \setup(header/footer/...)texts and % has 3–7 arguments, the first argument is a keyword (you can use whatever % you want, the second is the location of the text and all other arguments % are reseved for the content.
from what I understand...
- the location is limited to the text header/footer => what about margin/edge top/header/footer/bottom ?
You can place text in the header, footer and text area: \definetext[text for header area][header][...] \definetext[text for text area] [text] [...] \definetext[text for footer area][footer][...] \setuphead [...] [header=text for header area, text=text for text area, fotter=text for header area] You can also control where the text in this area should appear: \definetext[text for header area][header][...] % centered text in the text column \definetext[text for header area][header][...][...] % left and right text in the text column \definetext[text for header area][header][text] [...][...] % left and right text in the text column \definetext[text for header area][header][margin][...][...] % left and right margin in the text column \definetext[text for header area][header][edge] [...][...] % left and right edge in the text column
- all other arguments are reserved for content => for which content and where ? if i put \definetext[chapter][header][chapter page][x1][x2][x3][x4] the "chapter page" header is replaced by "right page" !?
Your setting is ignored because with all seven argument the third one has to be either text, margin or edge. Wolfgang