Am 21.06.2013 um 19:40 schrieb Pablo Rodríguez
Dear list,
I have the following code:
\definenumber[lnt] \setupnote[linenote][paragraph=yes]
\def\variant#1#2{% \startlinenote[0]{#1] #2}#1% \stoplinenote[0]}
\starttext \startlinenumbering \variant{body text}{variant} \stoplinenumbering \stoptext
And I would like to make \variant operative, so I thought I could replace 0 with a counter, redefining it so:
\def\variant#1#2{% \startlinenote[\getnumber[lnt]]{#1] #2}#1% \stoplinenote[\getnumber[lnt]]% \incrementnumber[lnt]}
But it doesn't work.
How could I make that \variant handles a different reference for the linenote each time is invoked?
Many thanks for your help,
1. Use came case for your own command names to avoid conflicts with core commands. 2. Don’t use simple numbers as reference names. 3. You can’t use nested brackets which causes problems with the parser for the arguments. What you have to do in this such a case is to hide the pair with braces, e.g. [{[…]}]. 4. ConTeXt has another counter mechanism which doesn’t has this problem. \newcounter\LineNote \setupnote[linenote][paragraph=yes] \define[2]\Variant {\increment\LineNote \startlinenote[LineNote:\LineNote]{#1 #2} #1% \stoplinenote[LineNote:\LineNote]} \starttext \startlinenumbering \Variant{body text}{variant} \stoplinenumbering \inline[LineNote:1] \stoptext Wolfgang