On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 10:03 PM Pablo Rodriguez <oinos@gmx.es> wrote:
On 10/22/18 9:35 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
> Are the bold and italic fonts listed when you run the fonts script?
> mtxrun --script fonts --list --all texgyrepagella*

Yes, they are listed.

And I even get the fonts loaded when the font family is different:


Are you sure about the syntax of definefotnfamily ?
You can check conflicts with 
$> mtxrun --script fonts --info  --list --all pagella

Experimenting is sometime the only way to learn, 
but it's clear that it's mandatory to use a sandbox.
Modifying only some names can be ok with \definefont
but it's very likely that all these
texgyrepagella-regular-*.otf manually patched are in conflict
-- they go into the cache,  so it can happen that silently context  use 
texgyrepagella-regular-500.otf instead of texgyrepagella-regular.otf .
At least 
mtxrun --script pdf --fonts <pdffile>
should show you the right names.
