9 Sep
9 Sep
8:06 p.m.
On Sat, 9 Sep 2017, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Ahoi, I got some long images that I’d like to split over several pages.
\def\clipfigure{\dodoubleempty\doClipFigure} \def\doClipFigure[#1][#2]{ \dorecurse{#1}{% \clip[ height=\textheight, voffset=\dimexpr((\recurselevel -1) * \textheight) ]{\externalfigure[#2][width=\textwidth]}\par } }
But "\dimexpr((\recurselevel -1) * \textheight)" for the vertical offset is wrong. How can I do this calculation?
You are missing a comma at the end of the voffset line but why not use \clip[nx= .., ny=.., x=, y=...] instead. http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Using_Graphics#Image_Clipping Aditya