Understandably, with work going on for the new \command pages, heatwaves, upcoming ConTeXt meeting, people are very busy. I understand that. In the meantime, I haven't yet found a solution (though I have tried many) to my own problem, small though it is by comparison. So let me try again, putting it simply: Where running heads (headers) are concerned, if I use \chapter I have no problems, nor should I expect any. But because I am also using \title, given that I need some unnumbered chapters interspersed among them, I run into difficulties with headers. Numbered chapters have the correct headers, unnumbered ones (with \title) either don't have them, or do not have the proper chapter header (they pick up the header from the previous numbered chapter). At the moment the only thing I have in the preamble is the expected set of commands for the numbered chapters: [{\hfill\getmarking[chapter]\hfill}][] [{\hfill\documentvariable{metadata:title}\hfill}][] I thought that might work for the unnumbered ones (\title), thinking that maybe \title inherits from \chapter, but it doesn't. But no amount of variations on the above commands (repeating them but replacing 'chapter' with 'title'; adding [title] or just title, in the first set of commands in various positions...) gives me the correct result. I am assuming, of course, that there is a solution to this difficulty, and that it may be simple. But I haven't found it. Is the problem that I am using \title in the main body to get my unnumbered chapters? I wouldn't think so? It produces the correct result, utlimatley, in the TOC, Is it possible that I may have something else in my preamble that is causing the problem? If so, I can't expect someone to 'guess' that from outside! But at the moment I don't think that is the problem. If not a direct solution, are there any clues someone might give me that will lead me to finding my own solution? It would be much appreciated. Julian