Hi Idris, Am 11.11.2011 um 19:47 schrieb Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد:
On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 08:34:28 -0700, Steffen Wolfrum
wrote: quite often I wish we could have a kind of in line comment: Something like ¿this is my comment¡ this.
I think the mechanism for fancy in-line comments is already there, developed one-or-two years ago as we were working on some critical-edition-related stuff ...
I saw the other answers: Could you elaborate more about exactly what you're looking for, just in case their suggestions don't quite hit the spot?
I am looking for the same functionality as the traditional TeX comment (starting with %), but used in-line not only after a paragraph. This means, it is only meant for writing/reading comments in the source. And its presence must not affect the typeset file, eg. the resulting PDF, in any respect, of course! Is the mechanism you mention best suited for that purpose? Steffen