Hi Hans,
Thank you very much for this; will test in the coming days (I have not
updated ConTeXt since Jan 28; hope there are are no deadly installation
surprises-) )
On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:59:59 -0600, Hans Hagen
Hi otp lovers,
Well, `love' is much too strong a word ;-)
i managed to get this number stuff running (i.e. bypass the otp messing up numbers):
How does this happen? I know the otp's have it so that numerals are always typeset l-r, is there some nasty side-effect? Hmm just checked: 5792-684 and 5792{}-{}684 produce two different results; the second one is correct. The otp includes the separator as part of the number (unless it is isolated-) I will look at the responsible otp to see if I can fix this at the otp level.
i'm uploading a beta
beware, there is no need to setup separators, and no need to reverse numbers!
\def\ArabicUTF {\ArabicDirGlobal \usefiltersequence[UTFArabic]% \switchtobodyfont[omarb]% \isolateseparators} % will handle separators
Ah! you also isolate the separators; should be possible in the otp...
of course you should not expect proper kerning when isolation is used with latin
Why is this?
things like this actually need some advanced control (special otp's for difference situations, depending on what one's dealing with, then to be hooked into the code at the right place, which is tricky since it may get lost later one etc etc)
still messed up: math display formulas, strange number reversion and swapping l/r [since omega has bugs with math i'm not sure what is the reason]
maybe duncan/idris/taco have an idea
I will look at it; need examples etc. Thnx as always Best Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/