Peter Rolf schrieb:
Hi Carsten,
I'm not quite sure if this is a help (was just playing around with it while watching snooker).
I had to clear|redefine the table head|tail in the page head (or is this intended?). There are still some unwanted vertical offsets above|below the page head. If you use a hbox instead of a vbox for the page head you will see the difference on the last page. So this space is introduced by the splitted table somehow. Don't ask me for details ;)
Best wishes,
oeps... some details were missing :D \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppagenumbering[location=] \setupheadertexts[{\setups[pagehead]}] [] [{\setups[pagehead]}] [] \startsetups[pagehead] \vbox\bgroup \starttablehead\stoptablehead \starttabletail\stoptabletail \setuptables[rulecolor=blue]% \SetTableToWidth\makeupwidth \starttable[|p(40mm)|p(60mm)|p(40mm)|] % \TABLEnoalign{\vskip-1.75pt} % ugly \HL \VL \leftaligned{left} \VL \midaligned{middle} \VL \rightaligned{right} \VL\SR \HL \stoptable \egroup \stopsetups \starttext \showframe \showskips \start \SetTableToWidth\makeupwidth \setuptables[split=repeat] \starttablehead \HL \VL Head \VL\SR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL % This results in an additional bug, % i.e. an extra / unwanted gap \VL Foot \VL\SR \HL \stoptabletail \starttables[|p(.95\textwidth)|] \VL \input knuth \VL\FR %\dorecurse{1}{\VL \input tufte \VL\MR} \dorecurse{10}{\VL \input tufte \VL\MR} \VL \input knuth \VL\LR % \HL % putting \HL here does not introduce % that unwanted gap ...?!? \stoptables \stop \stoptext