Hi Hans, I encountered an issue in fontsizing in math mode that I do not understand. Searched the manual but couldn't find (or missed) the clue. Using the green presentation style but changed to a somewhat larger fontsize by adding: \setupbodyfont[lbr, sans, 17.3pt] % lucidabright typesetting the following text: {abc$abc$abc} --- {\tfx abc$abc$abc} --- {\tfx abc}{$\tfx abc$}{\tfx abc} In the first the abc's have the same size. In the second the math part has kept its size, the other two are smaller. In the third the math part is now so small is doesn't match in size as it did in the first. I would have thought the math would vary in accordance with the \tfx. However, within $'s the font does not follow the outside \tfx, while inside a different size seems to be chosen. I am baffled. Can you point in the right direction? Thanks. Hans van der Meer