On Thu, 21 Dec 2017, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 12/21/2017 08:05 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 21 Dec 2017, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] I don’t remember which were the options in t-vim, but I need the options from \setuptyping and \setuptype.
Currently vim does not support these primarily because I don't use XML so I never thought of this.
Could you send me a minimal example showing how \xmlprettyprinttext is used and I can check how to create an interface for t-vim.
many thanks for your help.
The goodie (as per lxml-ini.mkiv) reads as follow:
\unexpanded\def\prettyprintbuffer#1#2% only used here {\ifdefined\scitebuffer \scitebuffer[#2][#1]% \else \typebuffer[#1][\c!option=#2]% \fi}
%~ \unexpanded\def\xmlprettyprint#1#2% %~ {\xmltobufferverbose{#1}{.}{\xmltempbuffername}% %~ \prettyprintbuffer\xmltempbuffername{#2}}
\unexpanded\def\xmlprettyprinttext#1#2% {\xmltobuffertextonly{#1}{.}{\xmltempbuffername}% \prettyprintbuffer\xmltempbuffername{#2}}
\unexpanded\def\inlineprettyprintbuffer#1#2% only used here {\ifdefined\sciteinlinebuffer \sciteinlinebuffer[#2][#1]% \else \typeinlinebuffer[#1][\c!option=#2]% \fi}
%~ \unexpanded\def\xmlinlineprettyprint#1#2% %~ {\xmltobufferverbose{#1}{.}{\xmltempbuffername}% %~ \inlineprettyprintbuffer\xmltempbuffername{#2}}
\unexpanded\def\xmlinlineprettyprinttext#1#2% {\xmltobuffertextonly{#1}{.}{\xmltempbuffername}% \inlineprettyprintbuffer\xmltempbuffername{#2}}
\xmltobuffertextonly is required to clean HTML hightlighted code, such as in https://shorturl.at/pS124.
This is why only adapting both \xmlprettyprinttext and \xmlinlineprettyprint gets the fuctionality for the other two commands.
The commands are invoked in this way:
Maybe adapting \prettyprintbuffer and \inlineprettyprintbuffer to the t-vim module works fine. (But this code is all Greek to me.)
Many thanks for your help again,
Can you post a minimal working example. I don't use XML so it is difficult for me to understand how these commands are used in practice. Thanks, Aditya